How do the socials work?
Each social is slightly different but all of them are super relaxed, so all you need to do is turn up and be yourself!
The whole concept of pip is to give single people the chance to mingle in a safe and casual environment, be that with the aim of finding romance, or to make some new pals.
If you have any questions about specific socials, just drop us a message and we'll give you all the deets.
Is there an age range?
In general, no.
We want everyone to feel welcome at our socials and age is just a number after all...
Can I come along on my own?
Of course!
We know it can be a bit daunting but lots of people come to our socials on their own and have an awesome time. For a small extra charge, we'll also buddy you up with another pipster so you can have a chat before the event and even arrive together! If you're interested, just drop us an email at hello@pipsocial.co.uk.​
How do I find out about new socials?
To be the first to know about new socials and ticket release dates either follow us on Instagram or add yourself to our mailing list and we'll keep you in the loop!
I'm interested in hosting a social, how do I get involved?
That's great! We're always looking for new hosts to help us spread the singles joy.
For all the details, please check our our Host Your Own page.
Help! I met someone at a social but I didn't get their number!
We know it can be scary to put yourself out there and ask for someone's number but the beauty of our socials is that everyone is there for the same reason, so at the very least you will have given someone a massive compliment by asking and you'll feel like a total badass.
If you didn't manage to pluck up the courage though, drop us an email and we'll do our best to seal the deal for you (GDPR permitting!).